Fan articles

Fan articles

If visiting my website or going on my tours isn't enough for you, you can surround yourself with even more railroad stuff. Choose, order, pay and wait. I only charge what it costs. No online shop.


Ballpoint pen 2 €Stickers (5 pieces) 2.50 €

Beer mats (5 pieces) €2.50 Lanyard €3 Fridge magnet €3 Postcards (10 pieces) €5 Bag €14 Hat €18 Mug €18 T-shirt €30 Rail track fan package (includes everything) €100

If you are interested, please contact me via WhatsApp or email or speak to me personally on one of the tours. Sizes, variants and other requests are available on request. Personal collection of the ordered items saves shipping costs. All motifs and texts can be adapted or refined, moved or changed according to individual agreement. Just write to me.

T-shirts, postcards, magnets, bags, mugs, pens, beer mats, stickers and more

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