Train departs!
9 clock
Meeting in Děčín
11 clock
Express train beer from Doksy
13 o'clock
Jedlová: Honoring the dead; Commemoration of the deceased station bars, Other
3 p.m
Announcement of the 2025 annual program in Česká Kamenice
17 o'clock
Lunch box trip and final hike
As always, registration is not required. Several scheduled trains will depart from Germany to the Czech Republic on this day. If you have any questions about tickets and timetables, please feel free to contact me, look in the mobile application Můj vlak or ask the train staff.
Well, that's the railway line!
9 o'clock Treff in Děčín
11am Express train beer from Doksy
13:00 Jedlová: Honoring the dead; commemoration of the deceased station bars, other
3 p.m. Announcement of the 2025 annual program in Česká Kamenice
5 p.m. Lunch box ride and final hike
As always, registration is not required. Several scheduled trains will depart from Germany to the Czech Republic on this day. If you have any questions about tickets and timetables, please feel free to contact me, look in the mobile application Můj vlak or ask the train staff.
Well, that's the railway line!